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IThreeM - I3M Developer Documentation

Practical reference and user guides for I3M Developer Docs and its editor I3M Engine Editor.

⚠️ Tip: If you want to start using the engine as fast as possible - read this chapter.

Warning: The book is in early development stage, you can help to improve it by making a contribution in its repository.

Engine Version

I3M Team is trying to keep the book up-to-date with the latest version from main branch. If something does not compile with the latest release from, then you need to use the latest engine from GitHub repo.

How to read the book

Almost every chapter in this book can be read in any order, but we recommend reading Chapters 1, 2, 3 (they're quite small) and then going through Platformer Tutorial (2D) while learning more about specific areas that interest you from the other chapters. There is also a First-Person Shooter Tutorial (3D) and RPG Tutorial (3D).

API Documentation

The book is primarily focused on game development with I3M, not on its API. You can find API docs here.

Required knowledge

We're expecting that you know basics of Rust programming language, its package manager Cargo. It is also necessary to know the basics of the game development, linear algebra, principles of software development and patterns, otherwise the book will probably be very hard for you.